Tuesday, May 12, 2020


This just tickles me. The word disk totally dates this story. Back when we had 3 1/2s out there, disks were The thing. Now as we need to do is change that k to a c and we're right back there. . . oh, but the story just makes you facepalm again and again. Why hold a hostage in a room, twice no less, where there are windows that open and escape routes. Why have shitty carpenters who don't even bother to build walls to dark and creepy tunnels? That ghost guy didn't really TRY, did he? Grammar aside, the story's showing some improvement as it goes. I'm rather surprised at how much difference there is between the two plots. The way these two interact with Steve in later versions and episodes becomes darker, with less talk and more show. And less commas.

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